Australian scientists have made a groundbreaking discovery, stumbling upon a massive submerged colony off the coast of the northern Kimberley...
In a celestial celebration reminiscent of the holiday season, NASA has treated space enthusiasts to breathtaking images of a Christmas-themed star cluster. The space agency’s powerful...
In a move that could have significant environmental repercussions, Microsoft’s decision to end support for Windows 10 is raising concerns about the potential surge in electronic...
Lava Mobiles has stormed into the Indian market with the launch of its latest offering, the Lava Storm 5G, priced attractively under Rs 15,000. The budget-friendly...
Recent claims about artificial intelligence (AI) predicting an individual’s time of death oversimplify its capabilities. AI in healthcare focuses on population-level predictions, emphasizing the likelihood of...
In a pioneering move towards promoting sustainable mobility, Tata Motors is gearing up to inaugurate exclusive Electric Vehicle (EV) showrooms in the Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR)...